Straits Knowledge StoreWelcome to our online store. It includes both our own publications as well as books by Patrick Lambe externally published.
We use a secure online ordering and payment service provided by PayPal, and all publication orders will usually be despatched to you by registered mail within two working days of successful payment processing. Note that our prices for publications include postage and packing to anywhere on planet Earth where there is a postal service. |
KM Diagnostic Cards
KM Method Cards
Organisation Culture Cards
KM Guidebook
“Very useful. When developing the KM course for the U.S. Army War College I used the Diagnostic, Method, and Organizational Culture cards in the development of scenarios and use cases that were incorporated into the curriculum. Additionally, I relied heavily on the Guidebook when developing actionable KM approaches, methods, and tools while consulting at the Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health.”
– Art Schlussel, Schlussel Consulting, USA “Extremely useful. I have used both card decks [Diagnostic and Method Cards] in workshops with clients to assist them in identifying KM needs, and to inform them of potential solutions. I am also considering using them in a post-grad KM class.” – Keith De La Rue, AcKnowledge Consulting, Australia This pack, designed to support rapid organisational KM diagnostics exercises contains cards giving 75 signals of possible issues and opportunities around three critical knowledge-based functions of organisations:
1. Coordination 2. Learning 3. Remembering The cards have been developed out of issues reported by managers from the field across multiple organisations over several years. Within KM assessments and knowledge audits they are designed to help identify common issues and themes recurring across the organisation, framed in ways that managers understand, and worthy of concentrated effort. You can use these cards: a. To raise awareness of knowledge and information management issues. b. To help managers diagnose opportunities for knowledge management or information management improvements. c. As part of a knowledge audit to identify common knowledge, information and learning needs. d. As part of your needs analysis in a KM strategy exercise. e. With our KM Method Cards to design interventions to meet real needs. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. |
“I have really appreciated having the cards, and have found them helpful in both consultancy and academic applications.”
- Australian management consultant A pack of our KM Method Cards contains concise descriptions of 80 Approaches, Methods and Tools that Knowledge Managers and KM Activists can use in a variety of scenarios.
Want to find out what’s inside a pack? Check out the Guide to Contents, which now gives references and sources for all the techniques and approaches covered. |
“Our 1.5 hour session focused on the red, relatively more positive suits, and [we] asked participants to choose the behavioural traits relatively more common in [our organisation]. They then picked traits which they felt would bring the most value to their departments and thought up plans on how to encourage such behaviour. We paired the cards with the EAST framework to help them get started on thinking about interventions for behavioural change.
It was well received and there is appetite for us to do another session focusing more on the relatively more negative black suits. The only potential caveat is that participants tend to see the cards as specific individuals rather than as behavioural traits (despite reiterating this a few times!) so we will just have to keep stressing this point to make it safe enough to talk about negative behavioural traits later. Thanks for designing such an innovative product!” – Singapore regulatory body This pack of cards represents 52 typical patterns of behaviour found in organisations dealing with change management, developing innovation, becoming a learning organisation, or implementing information and knowledge management initiatives. They have been developed out of six years of projects and the participation of almost a thousand people who shared their experiences of working in such situations, abstracted the typical values, attitudes and behaviours expressed in those experiences, and created the forerunners of the cards in this pack. The pack also contains a set of twelve suggested ways of using these cards, ranging from change management to team building to personal development. |
This 134-page A4-size book contains detailed guidance on how to apply 24 practical approaches, methods and tools for:
1. sharing knowledge 2. facilitating knowledge transfer 3. capturing knowledge 4. learning activities. It is intended to support our KM Method Cards but can be used independently of them. The techniques in this book were selected because of their usefulness in supporting three very common areas of work where knowledge transfer, capture and learning are important:
This book will be valuable to knowledge managers, community facilitators, KM activists, project managers, trainers, or anyone who wants to develop a portfolio of different techniques to support knowledge transfer. Note that we also provide training in many of these methods). Download a preview (introduction and chapter 1) here |
Method, Diagnostic and Culture Cards
Method Cards and Guidebook
Our three sets of cards cover respectively your KM diagnostic needs, your cultural analysis and KM intervention design. Bundled at an attractive combination price.
Our KM Method Cards, Organisation Culture Cards and KM Diagnostic Cards bundle is available for online purchase at US$150 (including package and posting). This is a savings of US$15 over buying them separately! |
This bundle focuses on supporting your KM interventions. The Method Cards cover 80 possible approaches methods and tools, and the Guidebook gives you in-depth guidance on 24 of those. All at an attractive bundle price.
Our KM Method Cards and Guidebook bundle is available for online purchase at US$110 (including package and posting). This is a savings of US$10 over buying them separately! |
External publishers
Principles of Knowledge Auditing
The Knowledge Manager's Handbook
Organising Knowledge
The Blind Tour Guide
This book aims to help knowledge managers bring consistency and rigour to the way they identify and evaluate knowledge management needs. Patrick Lambe brings theory and practice together in a lucid and engaging way, and with numerous illustrative case studies.
To find out more about the book, visit this website. To order the book, go to MIT Press or your favourite bookstore. “This book provides a comprehensive and critical review of mainstream knowledge management from its inception to the current day. It also covers the role and nature of knowledge audits, but it is much more than that. Lambe writes in an engaging and rigorous style, and this book represents a major contribution to the field with clear lessons for future development.” Dave Snowden, Director and Founder, The Cynefin Company “Knowledge auditing is a key element in the study of organizational knowledge and no one I know knows more about this than Patrick Lambe. He has the distinct advantage of being both a practitioner and a theorist, which gives him a very practical perspective on a subject that can be too abstract and elusive to the user.” Laurence Prusak, Principal of the Smart Mission Group; co-author of Working Knowledge “The book is excellent. It is comprehensive, deep, reflective, lucid, entertaining. I learned a lot. It does sit between theory and practice but that aligns it with its "middle out" message. Reflective KM practitioners should relish it.” Matt Moore, Practitioner in Knowledge Management, Project and Program Management, Sydney, Australia “This is the most thorough book I have ever read in the context of knowledge audits. It explains what knowledge audits are, describes the various types of knowledge audits, and offers practical tools for knowledge auditing that can improve knowledge management initiatives in any organization and help prepare for ISO30401 certification. Reading the book, one can understand that Lambe has studied the topic of knowledge audits from all aspects and offers the reader a view, including the roots of the field's development. Indeed, recommended." Dr Moria Levy, Chair, ISO Standard Committee 30401 “Patrick is a global leader and innovator in the field of Knowledge Management. He has that rare ability which combines a deep insight into human behaviour with a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques that unlock collaboration and culture change. As the only organisation in the world operating under Royal Charter to accredit Knowledge Management professionals, a lot of CILIP’s work has been guided and shaped by Patrick’s ideas and expertise.” Nick Poole, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals “Patrick Lambe demonstrates a remarkable talent for organizing the complex field of knowledge auditing in his book. He employs stories and examples to expertly elucidate intricate theories and methodologies. Collaborating with Patrick on knowledge management audits in organizations consistently inspires logical thinking, fosters empathy for human behavior, and develops skills in diagnosing organizational KM challenges. It is evident that Patrick is a true master of his craft.” Dr Susann Roth, Chief of Knowledge Management, Asian Development Bank |
From Nick Milton and Patrick Lambe comes a practical handbook, full of examples and tips, for knowledge managers on all the steps involved in implementing knowledge management in a sustainable and effective way. The second edition is fully updated for the new ISO 30401 standard for knowledge management systems and contains new chapters on working with external standards and frameworks, engaging externally, and the links between KM and digital transformation. The book also contains seven international case studies from Mars, NASA, Petroleum Development Oman, Huawei, an oil and gas multinational, Huawei, the Singapore Youth Olympics, and the Public Works Department Malaysia.
This book will be an essential vade mecum for knowledge managers at different stages of their journeys. The first edition of this book was awarded has won CILIP UK’s prestigious K&IM Information Resources Award (in the print category) for 2019. Advance praise for the book: Larry Prusak: “Here are two very experienced knowledge practitioners and thinkers to help us get through the difficulties of bringing forth a desperately needed new practice … with clarity, insight, many good examples and good writing.” Bob Buckman: “This is the most comprehensive book I have ever read on the implementation of KM.” Nancy Dixon: “I’ve been working in KM for 20 years and I still picked up some new ideas in this book that will make my work easier. This is a book knowledge managers will find themselves returning to again and again.” Murni Shariff (PETRONAS Malaysia): “A brilliant book with practical and grounded approaches, believable case studies and fabulous tips that made me want to revisit my entire KM programme!” Mavis Lee (Singapore Army): “If you are new to KM, this will be the book to help you get started quickly and surely. If you are already an experienced knowledge manager, you’ll be surprised how this book can help you check your blind spots and show you how to move forward.” Published in the UK and the USA by Kogan Page, London and Philadelphia, in 2016. Second edition in 2019. |
This widely recognised 2007 book by Patrick Lambe is still the only major text on how taxonomy work integrates with and supports knowledge management.
This book frames the role of taxonomy work inside the larger knowledge management agenda. This is the first taxonomy book that combines a practical guide to taxonomy development with a broader explanation of how taxonomy work contributes to knowledge management in a variety of ways. Taxonomy work is not just useful in supporting information retrieval (which is the popular starting point for taxonomy projects), but as a key tool for supporting organisation effectiveness, especially in supporting coordination across organisation boundaries. This book communicates a tricky subject in a clear, accessible style, supported by detailed case studies to support the arguments made. A final chapter looks at where taxonomies sit in relation to folksonomies and ontologies. In this book, taxonomy work finally enters the knowledge management mainstream. Published in the UK by Elsevier Chandos, Oxford, in 2007. "I have certainly relished the book. Ostensibly, it is geared toward librarians and information scientists, but I see a much wider audience than that - at least into the knowledge management crowd if not further. I particularly enjoyed getting an education on what taxonomies are (and are not) and how taxonomy work relates to knowledge and to organizational effectiveness, which encompasses the first half (or more) of the book." Jack Vinson, Knowledge Management Consultant "Taxonomies are often surrounded by an air of reverence and mystique. Traditionally seen as the domain of librarians, recordkeepers and botanists, they are now hot property in business circles, but no better understood. Patrick Lambe’s book sets out to systematically address these issues, by introducing, explaining and exploring taxonomies. Coming from a background as a librarian, knowledge management expert and consultant, Patrick draws together many topics to provide a rich view of taxonomies in the real world... By the time the last page is reached, however, this book has become much more than just an introduction to taxonomies. Instead, it has grown into an exploration of many interrelated topics around knowledge, and how to put it to work. For this, Patrick Lambe is to be commended." James Robertson, Step Two "I highly recommend this book of great breadth and depth to anyone who works on taxonomies or is interested in working on taxonomies. The intended audience of the book is indeed limited to knowledge management and taxonomy professionals. Even those with considerable experience working in taxonomies will find this book informative and enlightening." Heather Hedden, author of The Accidental Taxonomist |
In this highly readable book, published in 2002, Patrick Lambe explores the impact of technological change on business and working life, providing a frontline view of the day-to-day changes that accompany one of the most incredible transformations of society in the world today – the much debated new economy.
Though the book’s context and perspective are written from Singapore, the issues discussed are global ones. The thoughtful analysis and engaging style of its British writer range widely over new economy issues from the forests of Sweden (becoming rapidly depleted of women), to the cyber cafes of Kazakhstan (where teenagers eye Australian immigration rules). Along the way he makes brief forays into history to display the older resonances with how humankind has adapted to technological change in the past, and to draw pointers for how organisations can continue to learn, innovate and manage risk in the connected economy. Published by Times Publishing Group in 2002. |